Clients have been calling on AIM CONSULTANT One for over a decade for services and resources to improve IT & NON-IT performance. We aim to deliver the best talent and service to meet clients’ specific needs with our talent acquisition services. Hiring the best talent is the key to any successful organization. AIM CONSULTANT consistently attracts the best talent to help you build a productive, engaging workforce that will put your company one step ahead like never before!

We can help you fill one position or staff or an entire team, whether you need contract, contract-to-hire, or full-time employee

We establish a plan, factoring in critical elements of the search, to determine a realistic closure date.

Our goal is to deliver the most talented, cost-effective resources and solutions that will enable our clients to gain an advantage and be successful in a highly competitive global environment.


We have filled jobs for our clients in the following industries:

Information Technology

C-Executive Search

Government, Healthcare

Clinical & Pharmaceutical


Human Resource


Accounting & Finance




Sales & Marketing

BANKING    and many more………………